Every cent of every dollar we receive from online donations goes directly towards the mental health care of a neighbor in need.

We’ve built our organization to be light, nimble, and radically efficient at putting dollars on mission.

At Nashville Needs Therapy, we aren’t weighted down with brick-and-mortar expenses and traditional overhead. Our infrastructure is digital, and our systems are built on generous pro bono and volunteer relationships. We were founded by service-minded clinicians who take pride in streamlining support costs.

While many nonprofits operate with overhead rates above 35%, we've set a higher standard. On a $500,000 budget, we’re built for an overhead rate of just 10%. As our organization grows, we're committed to driving that rate even lower. With a million dollar budget, we aim for a lean 7%.

Our core values of unapologetic efficiency and relentless transparency ensure that every cent of every dollar we receive from your donations goes directly towards the mental health care of a neighbor in need. Join us in making a difference. Donate today.

Your gift to Nashville Needs Therapy will make a real difference in people’s lives.

$10 will cover the cost to process one person’s program application.

$100 will provide that person with access to mental health care.

$1000 will sponsor that person’s mental health care costs for a full course of treatment.

$10,000 will fund a pilot program serving the mental health care needs of a special population of choice.

$100,000 will establish a permanent program dedicated to serving the mental health care needs of a special population of choice.

$1,000,000 will provide 10,000 therapy sessions to people in need throughout the Nashville community and endow the organization for years to come.